Author: catfish

Issued on: 01/03/2023 – 22:58 In tonight’s edition, Nigeria’s ruling APC Party stays in control after Bola Tinubu is named winner of the presidential election. Also, France’s President touches down in Gabon at the start of a central African tour. And we meet one of Senegal’s e-sporting stars: Dexx Junior’s hoping to wipe the floor with his rivals in comepetive video gaming tournaments 

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             Hills Onkabrix LEGO® Expo The Hills Onkabrix returns in 2023 with bricktastic displays of LEGO® to impress and inspire. A great day out for LEGO® enthusiasts – young and old – at Oakbank Area School. Not only will there be amazing LEGO builds by Southern Bricks Lego Users Group but Brick Lady will also be there with a great range of LEGO products available to purchase. In addition to the many displays, there will be coffee, ice cream and a sausage sizzle. The event will be held at the Oakbank Area School gymnasium where the parking is…

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To Not Be Afraid One thing about bullying is that it comes from a place of insecurity. Bullies pick on others because they are not happy within themselves. Seeing things from this perspective can help your child to not fear their bully anymore and actually feel sorry for them which can in turn give them the ability to stand up to them.Walk AwayThey also enjoy having power and making others feel small as it makes them feel better about themselves. You can teach your child to walk away from situations like this and be the bigger person. That way they will be…

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The sixth annual One Planet Summit begins on Wednesday, with the fate of forests at the top of the agenda. Politicians, scientists and NGOs will meet in Libreville, Gabon, to discuss the future of rainforests in the Congo basin, Southeast Asia and the Amazon basin – and whether countries in the Global North should finance the preservation of the Earth’s “green lungs”.   French President Emmanuel Macron will preside over the two-day conference from Libreville, in the heart of Africa’s “green lung”: more than 200 million hectares of forest spread over six countries, filled with biodiverse species found nowhere else in the world.   The One Planet Summit, launched by Macron, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and then World Bank president…

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  Bunkasaurus It’s all going really wrong for two clowns working in a warehouse. Doing aaaaaaaanything but their duties, they uncover hidden worlds packed with imaginative puppet characters. Suitable for school age kids and their families, Bunkasaurus blends clowning, puppetry and DIY science fiction. Each box contains a puppet tale, ready to blast the audience off through worlds unimagined! Adelaide Fringe legends, Bunk Puppets have travelled the globe and built an international reputation with their absurdist and imaginative visual stories. These masters of puppetry transform ordinary objects into live shadow puppet cartoons. Berlin, Tokyo, London, NYC…. now back to Adelaide…

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Below, you’ll find 5 tips that will help you make a birthday slideshow more interesting. Make it PersonalKeep in mind the interests and preferences of the person you’re going to make a slideshow for. Fill it with images and videos that show your relationship with this person and your feelings. Consider the pictures and jokes that’ll appeal to the person whose birthday you’re celebrating. Try to add them to create a truly unique, personalized slideshow.Keep it ShortThere is no need to make your slideshow last for hours. If you have too many pictures or too long songs, your gift will be…

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Issued on: 01/03/2023 – 00:14Modified: 01/03/2023 – 00:17 Nigeria’s ruling party candidate Bola Tinubu appears to have an unassailable lead in the presidential elections, but calls for a re-run continue to mount amidst concerns of vote rigging. Also in this edition: we speak to the UN about how to improve maternal death rates. Finally, Gabon prepares to host the One Forest Summit.

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Home » Spanish Learning Tips » Beginner Spanish Tips » Learn Spanish as an Adult: 17 Ways to Discover the Joys of Language Learning Adults are actually better at learning a new language than kids! But we are not here to debate who is better. We are here to tell you that it is never too late to learn a new language. This article will go over 17 ways you can learn Spanish as an adult… especially as an adult. You have more of an advantage than you might think! Contents Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable…

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Issued on: 01/03/2023 – 10:56 Bola Tinubu, a political “godfather” famed for his strategic deftness and clout, never hid his ambition to be president of Nigeria. The 70-year-old has now fulfilled his “lifelong” goal by winning the presidency of Africa’s most populous nation with 8.8 million votes, according to final election results.Despite lingering questions about his health and past corruption allegations, the two-time Lagos governor will succeed President Muhammadu Buhari, a former army general he brags of helping put into power.His ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) faces accusations of electoral fraud in Saturday’s election from its two main opponents. But…

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