Author: catfish

NOTE: This is Part 2. If you haven’t yet read Part 1, that post is right here. This article continues my reflections on blogging about bilingual kids for the past 10 years, both the upside and downside of this experience. As I mentioned in Part 1, it’s hard to believe a whole decade has passed since I began this blog, and hard, as well, to believe that I even made it this far. But, like the bilingual journey itself, I just kept plodding forward, day by day, and it all went on growing over the years. 6. Developing More Discipline…

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Home » Spanish Learning Tips » 11 Funniest Jokes in Spanish to Tell Your Spanish-speaking Friends Who said language studies shouldn’t be fun? By learning some funny Spanish jokes, you’ll be able to understand many more of the linguistic nuances found in Spanish. I’m gonna give you some funny Spanish jokes that had me laughing out loud, but I’ll also explain what makes them funny and how each Spanish play on words works. Before long, you’ll be laughing right along with your Spanish-speaking friends! Contents Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take…

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Issued on: 03/03/2023 – 21:31 Six states in Nigeria on Friday asked the Supreme Court to void the result of the just-concluded presidential election, the latest twist in several challenges facing the ruling party’s victory in the vote. The states — led by governors in the main opposition party that came second in the last weekend’s election — accuse Nigeria’s electoral commission of failing to follow its own rules and election laws in conducting the vote and announcing a winner, according to court documents.Election results from the 176,000 polling units are required to be transmitted to the commission’s portal, which…

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St Peters Fair 2023 St Peters Fair will again serve up a feast of fun for families and friends with live music, delicious food, and an oval full of free children’s entertainment. St Peters Fair is an annual event offering a relaxed, affordable and fun-filled day for the whole family at Linde Reserve in Stepney.  Situated between Nelson Street and Stepney Street, the Reserve features a fully enclosed playground and lot of space to run around. It is ideal for toddlers, young children, older children and all abilities play. It’s a fun-filled day for the whole family with live music, delicious…

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“I came across your book when I was pregnant with my daughter. I used your book for a post graduate project on bilingualism, for my personal life, and for my work supporting bilingual families, children in schools, and teachers. I have recommended your book, blog, YouTube channel, and other resources to everyone I have encountered on this path. Thanks so much for your hard work in this quest. Infinitely grateful, amigo.”

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About Us With over 10 years of experience, HSA is where your goals merge with our teachers’ passion: to improve your Spanish fluency. Custom-tailored to fit your needs, you choose your program, schedule, favorite teachers, pace of learning, and more.. Learn More Source link

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Issued on: 03/03/2023 – 15:45 Traversing three capital cities in hours, French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday pursued his African tour aimed at renewing frayed ties. In the Angolan capital Luanda, Macron chaired an economic forum, attended by more than 50 French companies, and focused on agriculture.”This fits in with the idea I have of this economic partnership between the African continent and France,” Macron told around 100 delegates.”Mindsets have changed,” he said, adding France wanted to find solutions that benefited both parties, rather than “impose ready-made” ones. France has for decades been involved in the petroleum industry in the Portuguese-speaking…

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Celestial Gardens: The Secret Sounds of Plants: Adelaide Fringe 2023 Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 Stars for an ethereal, whimsical garden experience. Review by Claire Davill Can plants communicate? Celestial Gardens blends art and science to create an experience that is quite unlike any other. The Bicentennial Conservatory in the Adelaide Botanic Gardens is transformed into a place of whimsy, with colourful lighting, smoky haze and ethereal sounds all around. The central aspect of the show consists of a range of plants attached to bio-feedback machines, each emitting their own song. Attendees are invited to interact with the plants through touch, sound…

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ADAM’S NOTE: As in his first guest post at Bilingual Monkeys, What Does It Take to Raise a Multi-literate Child?, in the article below Yoshito Darmon-Shimamori shares his enthusiasm and creative ideas for encouraging our kids to read and write more in their minority language. These two fine articles, though, are really just a small taste of how Yoshito’s work could greatly benefit your family’s bilingual or multilingual aim. Along with his book The Parents’ Guide to Raising Multi-literate Children, which I highly recommend, he’s now creating an imaginative new resource that you can help bring to life through his…

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