Author: catfish

The Council of Europe’s specialised body for the protection of minorities has recently published a report on the situation of national minorities in Slovenia. According to the European Council, the Hungarian language and education in Hungarian should be improved in Slovenia. The Advisory Committee for the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM), overseen by the Council of Europe, has recently reported that Hungarian is taught in Slovenian-Hungarian bilingual classes in Slovenia. This does not ensure equal use of Hungarian and Slovenian in schools, writes. Read alsoHungarian FM: Chinese investments could ensure Hungary growth amid recession This…

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The Mitchell Public Library has created a bilingual story time program to teach young kids Spanish and English.Ada Morales, circulation desk assistant, and Jean Patrick, children’s services director, said the program jumped off after they did their first bilingual story time online in October 2020. It was during the same time schools were closed in the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic.Now they are aiming to offer the program in-person twice a month. Patrick says they held two successful story times during the summer, hosting 12 to 24 kids at a time.“It just spread [online],” said Patrick. “I think…

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PROVIDENCE — The call to Katie McGloin came in July 2021 from the summer camp her son, Justin, 10 years old at the time, was attending.The boy was sick. Could she please pick him up? When Katie arrived, the camp nurse said Justin was experiencing chest pains. “He was very pale and his heart rate was elevated,” Katie recalled in an interview on Tuesday. His doctor couldn’t see him that day, but she advised Katie to take him immediately to an urgent care center. When they got there, “the doctor took one look at him and said, ‘He’s going to Hasbro.’ ” As in Hasbro Children’s Hospital. The…

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The pandemic has affected our mental health in myriad ways. Let our list of resources empower you and those around you.Crisis Hotlines BlackLine: Provides a space for peer support, counseling and affirming the experiences of those affected by systematic oppression, through an LGBTQ+ Black femme lens. 24/7. (800) 604-5841, callblackline.comCalHope Redline: A phone, chat and video chat service providing trauma-informed support for urban Indian and tribal populations. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (888) 368-4090, California Peer-Run Warm Line: A nonemergency resource for anyone in California seeking mental and emotional support. 24/7. (855) 845-7415, Los Angeles Women’s Center:…

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It’s the first weekend of fall, and our thoughts turn to brewfests, apples and food festivals. This weekend has all that and more – fairy houses, folk musicians playing chanties on the streets of Portsmouth, and bands playing on porches all around downtown Rochester. It’s going to be epic.Last chance to see ‘Imagine That’ exhibitThe Portsmouth Historical Society’s exhibit “Imagine That! The Power of Picture Books,” the first to celebrate the extraordinary heritage of children’s books created in northern New England and featuring original artwork by over 30 illustrators, closes this Sunday at 5 p.m. so make a point to get to Discover Portsmouth Center at…

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Parents can register their children for two different categories. The first, Prep Choir, is for children aged five to six who are in Kindergarten or Grade 1. Limited to 25 children, practices will be held on Thursdays from 4 – 4:30 p.m. The idea, she says, is for the children to prepare themselves for the Children’s Choir.The Children’s Choir is for those aged seven to 12 in Grades 2-6. With no limit on the amount of students, Gagne hopes to see 50 students sign up as, in the past, the Choir has seen upwards of 85 children registered. Practices will…

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The College of Engineering Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’s September JEDI Hour will feature Manuel A. Pérez Quiñones, professor of software and information systems at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. According to Pérez Quiñones, over 60 percent of the world population speaks more than one language, while that figure is around 20 percent in the United States. Bilingual speakers are known for fluidly switching between languages. Yet computer systems from desktops to phones to voice assistants force bilingual people to choose one language. Through several examples, he will show how a monolingual computer provides services with very poor…

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The Friends of the Warwick Public Library will hold its bi-annual book sale this weekend (Sept. 23 – 25). The sale kicks off with the book sale preview on Sept. 23 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the Friends members. Non-members can join at the preview for $10. The Sale will continue on Sept. 24 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sept. 25 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The Friends support the WPL through programs and events including museum passes, concerts, movies and summer reading programs for children, teens and adults. Find fantastic deals on over 6,000…

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Former AFL player Kane Cornes is known for having one of the biggest voices in Australian sport and a resume to back it up, with 300 games and a premiership with Port Adelaide to his name.But now Cornes is on another journey that may silence even his harshest critics as he runs from Adelaide to Melbourne to raise money for kids with cancer.The former footy player said the run, which he is doing as part of the My Room Children’s Cancer Charity Telethon, is around 780 kilometres long.Kane Cornes has 300 games and a premiership with Port Adelaide to his…

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MIDLAND, Texas — Sam Houston Collegiate Preparatory Elementary School received a special gift Wednesday. The Literacy Coalition of the Permian Basin dropped off copies of the bilingual book collection “¡Vamos!” by Raúl the Third to after-school 4th graders. This gift was in honor of National Literacy Month. A 2022 assessment by the coalition determined most Permian Basin counties rank among some of the least literate and least educated in the entire country. “Of course, the adult literacy piece, those that have made it through adulthood and are struggling and are behind reading level, it effects workforce, it effects the way…

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