Logo Women Palante Workshops will be in Spanish, held over eight Saturday afternoons from October to December in Montgomery County, Maryland featuring leading Latinas. The workshops will teach low-income Latina women how to balance their lives and handle their money better”— Yurani SandovalROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, USA, September 30, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Women Palante is proud to announce the launch on Saturday, October 8, 2022, of their second-ever Wellness & Personal Finances workshop. In this workshop, Women Palante seeks to close the gap between holistic wellbeing and personal finances literacy for Latina women.This year’s focus will be on two main themes: i)…
Author: catfish
Children’s author Robert Munsch has sold more than 82m copies of his books and entertained generations of readers with his tender and sharp sense of humour.His stories have been translated into 45 languages, including 20 Indigenous languages and dialects. He still receives about 10,000 fan letters a year, and has two public schools named after him.On Saturday, a Canadian actor hopes to honour the writer’s towering legacy in a feat of endurance: reading all 75 books in a single day.“The plan is to just go straight through, from book to book to book,” said M John Kennedy, who estimates his…
The Friends of the Library sale in support of the library is taking place on Oct. 28 and 29, having been rescheduled from September; Lisa Bird-Wilson will visit the book club in person to talk about Finding Ruby; the latest book launch from Saskatoon author David Carpenter, and more. The Friends of the Library sale in support of the library is taking place on Oct. 28 and 29, having been rescheduled from September; Lisa Bird-Wilson will visit the book club in person to talk about Finding Ruby; the latest book launch from Saskatoon author David Carpenter, and more. Adult programming The Moose…
Op-Ed: Abriendo Caminos (Opening pathways) Dubois County Free Press Source link
Katherine Rundell arrives for lunch in London’s Fitzrovia at exactly the appointed hour, having spent her morning in the British Library researching hummingbirds. She was trying to track down a record of Queen Victoria’s delight in seeing a display of the birds’ iridescent skins at the Great Exhibition in 1851.This would be an odd pursuit for most people but it is just another day for Rundell, a bestselling writer and academic who bursts with original ideas and enthusiasms. Her prizewinning children’s novel Rooftoppers concerns a gang of orphans who live above Paris buildings, and her Instagram profile shows her standing…
Sitting in federal prison, Detrick Saulter wondered if he would have ended up there had he grown up with a father. His mother had Saulter when she was 15 and raised him on her own. Still, Saulter kept on a good path. “She did a great job, actually,” the Memphis native told Fox News. “I went to college, I went to trade school, I steered away from all the bad stuff that was going on, the drugs and gangs.” But that changed when Saulter lost his job. MEMPHIS DA SAYS SOME FELLOW PROGRESSIVE PROSECUTORS ‘TARNISHED THE BRAND,’ LEARNED LESSONS FROM…
CONTRIBUTED PHOTO People gather outside of St. Mary Catholic Church for a past Francis Fest event. The St. Francis of Assisi Parish is hosting Francis Fest 2022 on Oct. 9, following an outdoor bi-lingual Mass in front of St. Mary Catholic Church, located at 9 W. Linn St. The Marshalltown St. Francis of Assisi Parish will be hosting their annual Francis Fest on Oct. 9 this year, and the entire community is invited out to enjoy the fun. The Sunday event will begin with an outdoor bilingual Mass at 10:30 a.m. in the space just south…
By Fern GillespieThe Brooklyn Book Festival 2022, which features over 100 literary events from September 25 through October 2, will spotlight a special conversation between award-winning African American author Jacqueline Woodson and acclaimed Latina novelist and memoirist Esmeralda Santiago on Sunday October 2 at 5:00pm at Borough Hall Courtroom, 209 Joralemon Street.Poet Camille Rankine, co-chair, Brooklyn Literary Council, will host the introductions of Santiago, Brooklyn Book Festival’s 2022 Bobi honoree and author of When I Was Puerto Rican, Almost a Woman, and Conquistadora and 2015 Bobi honoree Woodson, award-winning writer of books for adults, children, and adolescents, including Brown Girl…
VIENNA — The Children’s Home Society of West Virginia will hold its annual Parkersburg Sleepout from 4 p.m. Nov. 5 to 6 a.m. Nov. 6 at Jackson Memorial Ball Fields on Rosemar Road. Creative contests, live music, food and games will be included and Pro Mobile Sound will provide DJ services with live music at 8 p.m. Joshua Lee and Shai join the musical lineup this year. Proceeds benefit youth who participate in the Transitional Living Program. To register, go to the Parkersburg Sleepout Page on Facebook or call Denise Hughes at (304) 485-0650. The Transitional Living Program…
Educators (from left) Associate Professor Karen Lillie, Professor Kate Mahoney and alumna Natalie DuBois. College of Education Professor Kate Mahoney and Associate Professor Karen Lillie collaborated with Natalie DuBois, who earned a M.S.Ed. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at SUNY Fredonia in 2021, and professors from other universities to conduct a large-scale quantitative research study that evaluated the level of success of Arizona’s anti-bilingual education Proposition 203. The study, “Castañeda’s Third Prong Redux: The Achievement of Arizona’s English Language Learners after Proposition 203,” assessed the impacts of Proposition 203 over a 12-year period to see whether…