Home » Spanish Vocab and Grammar » Present Perfect in Spanish: A Quick (But Complete) Guide for the Busy Learner The Spanish present perfect tense is used to describe actions that happened in the past but affect the present. For example: “I have lost my wallet.” This simple sentence tells us that I lost my wallet in the past, but I still don’t have it—thus, it affects the present! In this post, you will learn everything about the Spanish present perfect tense, including how to use it, how to conjugate it and what words trigger it. Contents Download: This blog…
Author: catfish
RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2023 Be a hero for dogs in need by taking part in the Million Paws Walk this May. Join the RSPCA at the Adelaide Botanic Garden for a family fun day and walk to help raise much needed funds for animals in need. Every year, thousands of everyday superheroes pound the pavement at their local Million Paws Walk to fight animal cruelty. The Adelaide Botanic Garden will open their gates (and hearts) to you and your four legged friends for ONE DAY ONLY for South Australia’s Million Paws Walk on Sunday 28 May 2023. Participants will…
The new school year has just begun in Japan (the academic year runs from April to March) and my son has now joined my daughter at the same Japanese high school. In fact, they’re in the same program, the “International Communication Course” that offers more emphasis on English and other foreign languages, with my daughter in her third and final year, and my son in his first. It’s hard to believe that my bilingual journey with them is very nearly at an end. While, naturally, they can still make further progress in both their Japanese and English—after all, language learning…
Home » Spanish Vocab and Grammar » How To Order Food in Spanish Like a Pro: 100+ Must-know Phrases Deborah Cater once said, “You have to taste a culture to understand it.” It’s no secret that food plays a vital role in the vibrant cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Whether you’re planning a vacation for a week, a homestay for six months or a permanent move, you’ll quickly find that you need to know how to order food in Spanish (or at the very least, talk about it!). In this post, you’ll learn exactly how to order food in Spanish with…
Pick a Local, Pick SA – Supporting South Aussie Growers Pick a Local, Pick SA is a South Australian based campaign run by Market Fresh SA. The South Australian Produce Market and SA Chamber of Fruit and Vegetables Industries came together to form Market Fresh to highlight the important role the independent retail sector play in the local horticulture industry. The independent retail sector consists of local business owned by local South Australian families who source the bulk of their produce from local growers. The Pick a Local, Pick SA campaign reminds customers that when they see the logo pictured…
Sandpits Sandpits are a wonderful addition to any garden, offering endless opportunities for imaginative play and fun for all ages. While sandpits are often associated with summer fun, they are actually a great source of all-year-round enjoyment. During the warmer months, children can play in the sandpit, building sandcastles and digging tunnels. Sandpits are also great for sensory play, offering a tactile and engaging experience for young children. In winter, sandpits still offer the same opportunities for imaginative play, and can even replace regular sand with materials such as kinetic sand or snow. Not only does this make sandpits perfect for…
Home » Spanish Vocab and Grammar » 88 Spanish Weather Vocabulary Words and Expressions You Need to Know Over the past two years of my time abroad in Spain, there have been countless moments when bringing up the weather has saved me from otherwise uncomfortable silences with Spaniards. Luckily, the weather in Madrid is sporadic enough (and extreme enough) to always be a relevant topic when I find myself grasping at straws to make small talk. In this blog post, you’ll learn 88 weather expressions in Spanish so you can say more than just “it’s hot” and “it’s cold.” Contents Download: This…
Easter Cookie Decorating at Rundle Mall Plaza. Celebrate Easter at Rundle Mall Plaza with a family-friendly Easter experience while supporting the Mary Potter Foundation and its “Backpack of Love” program. There will be two sessions of Easter cookie decorating, hosted by their very own baking extraordinaire Sam from Clio Cafe, on Saturday 8 April 2023. While you’re there, why not visit Bunny Burrows for a quick snap and colour in a picture? About Backpack of Love: The Backpack of Love program was created by the Calvary social workers and is provided free of charge to the children of their patients,…
Maintaining a positive mood provides deeper benefits than feeling great about yourself and your day. Experts say mood directly impacts your health. Negative emotions like anger and hostility can increase the risks of heart disease. Meanwhile, positive feelings and dispositions, such as happiness, satisfaction, and gratitude, are linked to improved heart and brain health.Here are tips to turn that frown into a smile and take better care of yourself.Wake Up EarlyQuit cramming and hurrying in the mornings. Rise early and dedicate yourself more time to prepare and organize before you grind. A stress-free morning helps put you in the best…
Issued on: 31/03/2023 – 15:18 Located around 40 kilometres from Abidjan, the Ivorian beach resort of Grand-Bassam has become the symbol a tragedy – that of the first major terrorist attack in Ivory Coast. On March 13, 2016, 19 people were gunned down, including nine foreigners, and about 30 injured. In December 2022, four men were sentenced to life imprisonment by the courts for aiding and abetting the terrorists. The alleged masterminds of the attack were sentenced in absentia. But the trial failed to shed any real light on the attack. FRANCE 24’s Sophie Lamotte and Sadia Mandjo report from Grand-Bassam, scarred forever by the…