Book Review of Just Between Us – Mother and Son: A No-Stress, No-Rules Journal
The Children’s Book Review

What to Expect: Mother/son bonding, relationships, emotional intelligence, family journey
Written by a real mother-and-son team and filled with their advice and words of wisdom, this journal is designed to take mothers and sons on a shared journey of discovery.
If you were a car, what would your features be? What do you spend most of the day thinking about? What are your mom’s favorite activities—and what were her favorite activities when she was your age? And if you needed to escape an erupting volcano, how would you do it? In this interactive shared journal, you can get to know your mom like never before and help her get to know you! From designing comic books and recipes together to compiling lists of all the important stuff that makes you you, this journal provides space and fun prompts for revealing your inner self, relationship-building, and starting life-long conversations.
The prompts that fill the journal are doubled, with space for both mother and son to share their own perspective on the same topic. The prompts are also short and fun, helping to keep the attention and engagement of even writers with a very short attention span. The book itself is nicely constructed, with thick, durable cardboard covers, a matte writing surface on the pages, and an easy-on-the-eyes red-and-blue color scheme.
This Just Between Us journal is a fantastic tool for creating shared time and finding connections between mother and son.
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About the Authors
Meredith Jacobs is an award-winning columnist and author. She lives in Rockville, Maryland.

Born and raised in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., Jules Jacobs is a Conservation Visual Storyteller based in San Diego.

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