The Spanish P, which sounds the same as in English, is a labial consonant. This means you have to hold your lips together for a split second, and then quickly let out a tiny puff of air to make the sound.
P is pretty well used in Spanish, occurring in almost 3% of all words.
It’s the letter you need for some very important Spanish words like padre (father), pasión (passion), persona (person) and paz (peace).
Now, read on to learn 400 Spanish words that start with P!
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Spanish Nouns That Start with P
To read more about Spanish nouns and how to use them, see this post:
Spanish Verbs That Start with P
To read about the most common Spanish verbs, see this post:
Spanish Adjectives That Start with P
To read more about Spanish adjectives, see this post:
Spanish Adverbs That Start with P
To read more about Spanish adverbs and how to use them, check out this post:
Spanish P Words Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
What’s the Spanish word for “peace”?
What does “pájaro” mean?
What’s the Spanish word for “cake”?
How do you say “chunk” in Spanish?
What does the Spanish word “privado” mean?
How do you say “to propose” in Spanish?
How do you say “precious bird” in Spanish?
Well there you have it: 400 Spanish words that start with P. Are you excited to start using some of these gems in your next Spanish conversation? I would be, padre (father)!