Z is a strange letter, well, mostly because it comes last. It’s not the most popular letter in Scrabble for good reason, but it actually comes up a fair amount in Spanish.
The pronunciation of Z is a little confusing in Spanish. In Latin America, Z sounds just like the S in English, but in Spain, Z sounds more like the English TH.
This means that zorro (fox) sounds like “sorro” in Argentina, but “thorro” in Spain.
But other than that distinction, the Z is pretty easy to say in Spanish.
Read on to find out 50+ Spanish words that start with Z.
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Spanish Nouns That Start with Z
To learn more about Spanish nouns, check out this post:
Spanish Verbs That Start with Z
To learn more Spanish verbs, see this handy post:
Spanish Adjectives That Start with Z
To get more information on Spanish adjectives and how to use them, see this post:
Spanish Adverbs That Start with Z
To learn about more Spanish adverbs, be sure to check out this post:
Spanish Z Words Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
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So there you have it! The Z demystified in Spanish. Though it’s not super common, there are some everyday words like zanahoria (carrot) and zumo (juice) that start with this unusual letter.