G only occurs in 1% of Spanish words, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an important letter.
G is a tricky one to pronounce in Spanish. In general, it sounds like an English H, so gente (people) sounds like “hente” and girasol (sunflower) sounds like “hirasol.” This is known as the soft G and it occurs before the vowels E and I.
This H sound is common throughout the Spanish-speaking world, but in Spain, there’s a second pronunciation.
This sound is represented by the /x/ on the International Phonetic Alphabet. This /x/ sound is similar to the H, but it’s more guttural. You can hear this sound by listening to the Castilian Spanish pronunciations of gente (people).
The third G pronunciation in just like the one in English, so guitara (guitar) sounds like “geetara.” This is known as the hard G and it occurs before A, O, U or any consonant.
Now let’s get onto the list of Spanish words that start with G!
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Spanish Nouns That Start with G
To learn more about Spanish nouns, check out this handy post:
Spanish Verbs That Start with G
To learn some other useful Spanish verbs, read this post:
Spanish Adjectives That Start with G
To learn about more descriptive Spanish adjectives, see this post:
Spanish Adverbs That Start with G
For more on how Spanish adverbs work, check out this informative post:
Spanish Words That Start with G Quiz: Test Yourself!
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So there you have it, gente (people). By the time you’ve finished this post, hopefully you’re a lot more comfortable pronouncing the Spanish G and developing your G word vocabulary nicely.