She doesn’t sit in a rocking chair all day but gets up to all sorts of exciting and energetic things from exercise class to experimenting with her hair, to online shopping and wearing glittery shoes. (I’m so this grandma in the making!)
Mia’s Glamma doesn’t do the regular thing that other grandma’s do, she does things with a lot more razzle, dazzle and flair. I love that in this story, she lives in ‘Mia’s house, surrounded by her family’. The author has used a clever tool when writing for children aged 3 and up, she uses the language a child would use. Making it all about Mia, her house and her family, children will relate to this clever technique.
I used to sew layered tutu skirts when my son was a baby. I had never really sewn before but I had always wanted a tutu skirt as a little girl, which was not a ‘thing’ in those days. I guess I saw this newfound passion as a chance to make other little girls dreams come true. My long-winded story brings about my love for the character that the illustrator Carla Hoffenberg has created in this story.
I would definitely have been a gum boot/ tutu skirt wearing little girl. And if you look at my wardrobe, I know I have the essence of Mia’s Glamma in my soul. When I grow up (eventually) I will carry this book under my arm to see how many other grandma’s I can turn into Glamma’s.
The sentence, ‘She doesn’t have time to be old – she’s too happy feeling young.’ is probably one of my favourite lines from this book and I will write it up and stick it all over my house as it is something I like to live by.

I absolutely adore the end pages.
The illustrations bring out Mia’s Glamma in her best possible way. Her exquisite facial expressions drew me in, each smile and wrinkle has a story of its own. The little twist at the end, in the illustrations, will leave you smiling.
I saw Glamma through Mia’s eyes and throughout the book I felt the love this little girl has for her grandmother. I don’t just want to be a Grandma one day, I really hope to be a Glamma!
•Written by Josie Montano
•Illustrated by Carla Hoffenberg
•Published by Interactive Publications Pty Ltd, 2023
Amanda’s career as a worldly actress has been her favourite so far, she hopes
writing for children will be her next new favourite! In between, she’s taught English,
Drama and early childcare and now works with children with special needs, where
she bring her imaginative flair into the classroom, always dreaming of the being back
on the stage.
Amanda’s writes a variety of stories from those that are sensitive, humorous and
sometimes quirky with fairytale-esque elements. She hopes her books will influence
children to read and write their own wonderful stories. Being active in SCBWI, CBCA
NSW and a graduate of the Children's Book Academy keeps Amanda focused and
honing her craft.
Her debut picture book My Giant Sea Shell is now available.
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