Some letters are more mysterious than others. Such is true of the Spanish H.
This is because the H in Spanish is always silent when it begins a word. So every word from hola (hello) and hombre (man) to hogar (place) and hambre (hunger) would sound exactly the same without the H.
So why is it there? Well, for one, so you know the critical difference between hola (hello) and ola (wave) when reading.
The Spanish H does get pronounced sometimes, when it’s combined with C, like in chica (girl) and cheque (check), but in this post, we’re focusing only on words that begin with H.
Keep on reading to discover over 175 Spanish words that start with H.
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Spanish Nouns That Start with H
If you want to learn even more about Spanish nouns, here’s a great blog post to start with:
Spanish Verbs That Start with H
To learn more of the most common Spanish verbs, check out this post:
Spanish Adjectives That Start with H
Learn more Spanish adjectives at this post:
Spanish Adverbs That Start with H
To get the basics on Spanish adverbs and learn even more to use, go here:
Spanish H Words Quiz: Test Yourself!
What is the Spanish word for “place”?
What does the Spanish word “hasta” mean?
What’s the Spanish word for “moist”?
To make an omelet in Spain, you would need __________.
What’s the Spanish word for “to freeze”?
What does the Spanish word “Horar” mean?
How do you say “to steal” in Spanish?
What’s the Spanish word for “noble”?
After this post, you should be pretty well covered with the letter H in Spanish. Go out and try saying hola (hello) to someone today!
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